how much do you know about Doctor Whooves I got a god story going staring Doctor Whooves and Derpy, But for now, enjoy this small quiz. cady213 published on June 29, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Who is best companion? (some might not even be companions) Sunny Rays Twilight Sparkle Colgate Sunset Shimmer Derpy Cloud Chaser Lyra 2/7 What does he say when his future companions (and others) ask "DOCTOR WHO"? Type answer. Hint: 21 characters 3/7 What are the Eleventh pony Doctor's catch phraises? Hint: 3 choices ALONS'Y! (I know I must've spelt that wrong) I dunno The Doctor is IN! cool Come on! WIBBLY WOBBLY TIMEY WIMEY FANCY THAT! 4/7 What is the best pony Doctor regeneration? 1 10 12 5/7 What do you expect him to do when Discorded Become a coward who hurts Ditzy Continue being himself Kill himself 6/7 What does the Doctor INSIST on calling Ditzy? Derpy or Ms.Hooves Bubbles DERP-PONY 7/7 Who's his companions? Hint: 4 choices Lyra Twilight Cloudchaser Sunset Shimmmer Derpy Colgate