How Well do you know me? (11) Let's see how well you all know me! It's just a few questions and I would like to know if you know about my favorite things! sarahannah.snyder published on June 24, 2013 Stacked 1/15 What would be my dream house? A beach side houe An urban apartment A cabin in the mountains a mansion in California 2/15 What is the book called that I am writing right now. Just the Beginning The Story of Erta : Lillian The Story of Erta: Rebecca 3/15 What is my favorite TV series Sword Art Online Little House on the prairie Bonanza The Big valley Twilight Zone 4/15 What is my favorite ship? Captain Swan Mickell and Bre Kirito and Asana 5/15 What is my favorite movie? Passion of the Christ Les Miserables Christmas Shoes 6/15 How many children do I want? 3 6 5 7/15 What are the three places I want to go to the most? Ireland, Pakastain, and Astralia New Zealand, Ireland , and Astralia Pakastain, New Zealand, and England 8/15 Do I want to go to college right after High School? yes no 9/15 If I could travel all around the world what would I ride in? Cruise Ship Airplane Car 10/15 What is my favorite past time? readilng writing painting doing crafts using the computer 11/15 Which place have I not been to? Belize Mexico Honduras Kentucky Tennessee 12/15 If I could have any phone it would be... Iphone Windows phone Samsung 13/15 What is my favorite color? blue turquoise green 14/15 What am I terrified of? spiders snakes death lava 15/15 What is my favorite book? Les Mis Canadian West Saga Hunchback of Noter Dame The Call of the Wild