How much do you know about Derpy? (1) Let's see how much you know about Derpy. Read the comments after the test or PREPARE to be CONFUSED! >:) cady213 published on June 22, 2013 Stacked 1/5 What does Hasbro call Derpy? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 2/5 What would Discorded Derpy be like? Hint: 2 choices She would hate muffins She would hate the Doctor She would turn white She'd go on a ranpage No Derp...? 3/5 Does Derpy like yellow or orange better? YELLOWMELLOWJELLO-uh what else rymes with yellow? ORANGEORANGEORANGE! What rymes with orange? NOTHING! HAHAHA 4/5 WHO DA HELL DO I SHIP ON A SHIP WHILE SHIPPING DEM?! DERPYXDOCTOR DERPYXLUNA DERPYXRAINBOWDASH 5/5 Muffins or Doctor Whooves ? Muffins! Doccy! Doctor Who now? (c wat I did der?)And muffins? Why muffins? I pick neither!