how much do you now about waterloo road (1) waterloo road how well you now it waterloo waterloo road test your nolage cuddlybear12346 published on June 17, 2013 Stacked 1/12 which two nearly slep with older people Hint: 2 choices chlo leigh ann stacy 2/12 who sets up a hate mika site Hint: 2 choices leigh ann gallaway chlo grainer brett aspinall 3/12 In the first series on the first ever episode what happen to donte charles on the bus He got punch He got arested He got drunk 4/12 what was chol and donte baby called Hint: 2 choices issy charles issy emma 5/12 what dose sambuca kelly die of Hint: 2 choices dieabete just plan ill canser 6/12 who dose jess fisher sleep with Hint: 2 choices chris meed max tyler christofer meed 7/12 whos dad came in and hit mr trenaman Hint: 2 choices donte donte charles chlo 8/12 which kelly kill maxine in the hands of best frined jannece and foster mum steph haydock Hint: 2 choices marley prince and earl kelly earl 9/12 What did chlo bring in to school on the first day to share with boyfried donte Hint: 2 choices gun kiss achoal 10/12 who is lewis seddens girl frined Hint: 2 choices maxine maxine barlow mika grainer 11/12 go far away now which barry want to be a boy Hint: 2 choices denistey kasey barry 12/12 which pupial came back for work Hint: 2 choices jannece chlo jannece byant