Psych 4

Psych 4

AQA Psych 4 questions to help revise for the exam. Mainly studies and the names of the psychologists to match.

published on June 16, 2013

Studied 350 Australian addicts and found that those who chose to give up themselves were more successful. Suggest that TPB missed out 'motivation' as a criteria for predicting intentions and actual behaviour.


The more popular the model (Actor/actress/character), the more likely it is that their behaviour is imitated


Found that alcohol adverts had no effect on alcohol demand


Looked at 61 scenes from 47 films and using content analysis, found that films focus on the positive aspects of addiciton.


More people from poorer backgrounds play the lottery worldwide. They also watch more TV suggesting TV influences gambling behaviours


Films play a large role in determining our attitudes about things that we wouldn't normally encounter e.g drugs. (Relate to SLT)


Films do consider the negative aspects of drugs, citing theft, rape and moral decline as examples


Meta-analysis of 85 internet intervention programmes and found that those based in theoretical interventions (e.g TPB) worked best.


Found that an addict's high PBC led to optimism and ultimately a positive result.


Rate of consumption dropped significantly after tobacco adverts were banned.


Questioned (questionnaires) over 1,000 12-20 years old in Queensland, Australia about their sun protection intentions using the TPB criteria and found that all three TPB aspects did predict intentions and intentions also affected actual behaviour.


Using questionnaires and interviews at the start of the test and then 6 months later, found that all 3 TBP aspects helped explain intentions however PBC was the best predictor of actual behaviour.


Found that although the majority felt that they weren't affected by adverts they thought that others were. Suggests that a) no-one is affected by adverts or b) everyone is but thinks they're not. Given that companies spend billions on adverts it's most likely to be b.


State that anti-drug campaigns actually increase drug use as they make it appear as the norm.


Found that 68% of the 87 most popular films contained tobacco and that it was mainly positive portrayal


His hardiness training works as it increases PBC.


Questioned over 4,000 adolescents at the atrt of the experiment and then again a year later about their smoking habits. Those that had taken up smoking cited the influence of films as key.