How Well Do You Know Me? (1) (1) You will probably find out some of them in my conversations. Please follow me if you pass and i will follow back. Enjoy! :D Princess_Twilight published on June 15, 2013 Stacked 1/6 What is my fave show? My Little Pony ???? Littlest Pet Shop 2/6 Whats my favorite MLP princess Type answer. Hint: 16 characters 3/6 Which three Littlest Pet Shops do I have? Panda,Mouse,Lion Sky Prism Fairy,Ladybug,Cat Seahorse,Minka Mark,Walking Caterpillar 4/6 What are my favorite ponies Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Applejack Derpy Cadance 5/6 whats my favorite monster highs Hint: 6 choices Toralei Spectra Clawdeen Draculara Cleo Rochelle Abbey 6/6 whats the name of my favorite Lps Type answer. Hint: 9 characters