How well do you know EMELI SANDE? How well do you think you know emeli sande? PROVE you know her by taking this quiz and passing!!! make 5/7 to pass kass1551 published on June 05, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Which two songs is made by Emeli? Hint: 2 choices suitcase year without rain I DON'T FREAKING KNOW!! read all about it HERSHEYDROPZ 2/5 He's out your system, yeah, it took you a whileYou got your family back and you got your smileAnd you promised your sisterWhat song is this from? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 3/5 You won't find him drinking at the tablesrolling dice and staying out til 3you won't ever find him being unfaithful...Question: Where will you find him? next to me ROLLING DICE :P CRYING IN A CORNER 4/5 Which of these is my favorite Hint: 3 choices suitcase next to me read all about it POOPIHEAD none, you don't like emeli 5/5 This is the last question. What is emeli's real name? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters