Are you smart or dumb? (1) Find out if you are smart or dumb in this test! It is so fun! You should play it! And i hope you like it. sadie8111 published on June 02, 2013 Stacked 1/8 How many points does a square have? Hint: 2 choices 5 9 i don't know 2/8 How many seconds are there in 1 minute? Hint: 2 choices 456 i don't know 60 3/8 What is 5 + 85? Hint: 2 choices 67 90 i don't know 4/8 Is McDonald's healthy for you? Hint: 2 choices Yes No I don't know 5/8 Who is Taylor Swift's best friend? Hint: 2 choices Katy perry Kesha Selena Gomez 6/8 Are mermaids real? Hint: 2 choices Yes No I don't know 7/8 Are bats blind? Yes No I don't know 8/8 What is the most healthy food group? Hint: 2 choices i don't know Meat group Vegetables and fruit group