Are you smart? (3) This can detect whether your smart enough, or if you can think outside the box. faffles123 published on June 02, 2013 Stacked 1/7 A whales tongue is the same weight as... A WHALES TONGUE!? A fish. A bear! I don't know 2/7 There are 5 cookies. I take four. How many do I have left? 4 1 3 I don't know 3/7 Are bats actually blind? No- they can almost see better than humans Yes! Have you ever heard the saying "Blind as a bat"? I'm not sure. I don't read about bats on a daily basis. 4/7 How many points does a star have? 10 points 5 points, DUH! 6 points :) I don't know 5/7 How many months have 28 days? 12 1 5 I don't know 6/7 Is there a July 4th in England No Yes I don't know 7/7 If life gives me melon's what do I have? DISLEXIA *har har har* Melons Lemons I don't know