Star Wars Trivia - The High Tech Society A 25 Question Trivia Quiz all about Star Wars! If a Jedi Master you are then these answers you know. Brought to you by MissBrandyCross published on May 21, 2013 Stacked 1/25 The first Star Wars film came out in? 1973 1977 1978 2010 2/25 What is Darth Vaders real name? Anakin Skywalker David Prowse Luke Skywalker 3/25 One of these, Yoda was NOT Jedi Grand Master Senior Member of the High Council High Lord of Alderaan Master of the Order 4/25 Who directed the original Star Wars? George Takei George Lucas J.J. Abrams 5/25 Boba Fett was? The son of a famous bounty hunter A Trandoshan bounty hunter A clone of a famous Mandalorian bounty hunter The brother of Jango Fett 6/25 What did Han Solo say to Luke just after the Death Star exploded? “Great shot, kid!" "That's one!" "Our job is done." "Sorry about the mess, kid" "OK, Let's go home" 7/25 Who was the known survivor of the almighty Sarlacc? Emperor Palpatine Kit Fisto Boba Fett Greedo 8/25 Who did princess Leia marry? Han Solo Luke Skywalker Annakin Skywalker 9/25 Where is princess Leia from? Hoth Dantooine Alderaan Tatooine 10/25 What creatures did the "Sand People" ride? Mantes Banthas Bespins Sand Creatures 11/25 Who Played Han Solo in the Movie? George Lucas Sean Connery Harrison Ford Indiana Jones 12/25 “Han Shot First” refers to a controversial scene change in which movie? Empire Strikes Back A New Hope Episode IX 13/25 Who bought out Lucas Films only to shut them down? George Lucas Disney Pixar Blue Sky Studios 14/25 How many Star Wars Films have been released? 7 10 Shoot Me Now 15/25 How many Death Stars were there? One! Two! Four! 16/25 Which planets were destroyed by Death Stars? Mindor, Thanta Zibra, Bys-11 ABY Alderaan, Despayre and the Garrison Moon of Kessel Alderaan, Despayre, Tatooine 17/25 Which of these was not seen in Jabba’s palace? Oola Sy Snootles Mon Mothma 18/25 Darth Vader is: Asthmatic Luke Skywalkers brother Secretly marred to Padme' 19/25 Who did Luke Skywalker marry? Padme' Princess Leia Mara Jade 20/25 What was the name of R2-D2's sidekick? C-3PO Hal 9000 C2P2 R3D3 21/25 Which of these are all Star Wars characters? Mace Windu, Obi-Wan, Obama R2-D2, C-3PO, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Yoda R2-D2, C-3P0, Hans Solo, Luke Skywalker 22/25 What did Jabba the Hut use to travel in the desert? Camels Banthas Desert Yacht A Sail Barge A Landspeeder 23/25 What did Yoda cook for Luke in the Empire Strikes Back? Foo Stew Banthor Fodder The Special Tubor Soup Rootleaf 24/25 Who was grand master during the clone wars? Yoda Mace Windu Kit Fisto Plo-Koon Ki-Audi Mundi 25/25 How many people can a Landspeeder hold? One! Two! Four!