you know he paranormal?? This is just a short random quiz I made cuz im scared shitless! :) enjoy... QuidditchChaser101 published on May 16, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Evp stands for?? Type answer. Hint: 27 characters 2/6 There are two types of hauntings... wat are they? Hint: 2 choices Intelligent Negative Competetive Possitive Residual how should i know???? 3/6 Bloody Marry was acused to being what? demon ghost witch godess slave 4/6 To start... What is a ghost/spirit? A ghost is a white blanket that floats around the room... A ghost is a person who is having truble to cross over to the other side, dosent know they died or hasent fo filled something while living a what??? a ghost is something to be scared of... 5/6 When I say ghost you think???? Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 6/6 People say the high ____ reading can signafie the paranormal Hint: 2 choices EMF EVP GB Electro magnetic fields