ICT Computer Quiz (1) Test what you have learnt in the presentation by answering the follwing questions ICTQUIZ published on May 08, 2013 Stacked 1/5 What computer was the first electronic digital single purpose computer? The Colussus The Guardian ENIAC 2/5 What component of a computer stores data that can be accessed quickly? Hard Dive Disk RAM Motherboard 3/5 What does Cache Memory do? Cache memory is used to gather instructions that are needed to run programs thus improving overall computer speed Cache memory is used to store and read hard data that is saved upon shutting down the computer. Cache memory is used to convert AC to low voltage DC power for the use of the internal components. 4/5 What two digits make up binary data? 0 and 1 1 and 2 2 and 1 5/5 What does the heat sink cool down to prevent the computer from overheating? CPU Hard Drive Disk Power Supply