Rome Test All about Roman government, culture, daily life, and geography. It is also about gladiator fights, and etc. ilovehs published on April 28, 2013 Stacked 1/25 What was the story of how Romulus and Remus founded Rome? Remus killed Romulus and he made Rome a republic Remus killed Romulus and made Rome an Empire Romulus killed Remus and named Rome after himself 2/25 What were some names of the Roman gods/ goddesses? Venus and Zues Jupiter and Saturn Jupiter and Venus 3/25 Who began the Roman Empire? Augustus (Julius Caesar's adopted son) Julius Caesar's Wife The Senate 4/25 What is a plebian? A common person Powerful, rich noble Slave 5/25 What is a patrician? A common person Slave A rich powerful noble 6/25 What does the term bread and circuses mean? It means bread and circuses were given to people It means that free food and free entertainment were given to the poor people It means that the Romans had slaves 7/25 What was the major affect of Julius Caesar's death? The republic ended Pax Romana The empire ended 8/25 Who was Julius Caesar? Dictator Military General All of the above 9/25 Where was the place where The Law of the 12 tables was posted? Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 10/25 Who founded Rome? Romulus and Remus Julius Caesar The Grachus Brothers 11/25 When Augustus becomes emperor what does he have happen? Pax Romana (200 years of peace) Dictatorship Democracry 12/25 What does republic mean? Government that has one leader Government that elects people to govern/ represent them Government that has a few leaders 13/25 What was the name of the laws that were posted in The Fourm? Type answer. Hint: 20 characters 14/25 What was the Romans language? Etruscan Latin Greek 15/25 What was the religion that was persecuted throughout Rome at this point? Judiasm Catholic Christianity 16/25 What was the center of Rome? Twelve Tables Collesseum Rome itself The Forum 17/25 What were three ways the Etruscans influenced the Romans? Architecture, Art, Gladiator fights, Chununt Race, and Boxing Armor Art, Writing, and Language 18/25 How long did the Roman Republic last? 509 BC- 27 AD 509 AD- 27 BC 509 BC- 27 BC 19/25 Why did the Senate assassinate Julius Caesar? They were afraid he was becoming to powerful, and they were afraid of him They didn't like him They hated his wife 20/25 Why did the plebians want to see the laws? Type answer. Hint: 30 characters 21/25 What was the most important sea to Rome's name? Red Sea Nile River Mediterranean Sea Tiber River 22/25 How long did the western empire last? 27 BC- 476 BC 27 AD- 476 BC 27 BC- 476 AD 23/25 How long did the Eastern half of the Empire last? 27 AD- 1453 AD 1453 BC- 27 AD 27 BC- 1453 AD 24/25 What year was Julius Caesar's death? 44 AD 44 BC 45 AD 25/25 If a person moved to Rome, could they practice their own religion? Yes they could because the Roman religion was the exact same as theirs. No they couldn't because the Romans hated when other religions moved to Rome. Yes they could, as long as it didn't effect the Roman laws.