MY Little Pony Voice Actor Quiz See if you can name the voice actor of the ponys!Try to see who voices Twilight,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Applejack,Spike,Celestia,Luna,Apple Bloom ect... anonymous-user-d7so39 published on April 27, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Who Voices Twilight Sparkel? Lauren Faust Tara Strong Tabitha St. German 2/8 Which charecters do Tabith St. German voice? Hint: 3 choices Twilight Sparkel Rarity Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Applejack Fluttershy Luna Celestia Derpy Spike Cheerilee 3/8 Who does Andrea Libman voice? Hint: 2 choices Twilight Sparkel Rarity Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Applejack Fluttershy Luna Celestia Derpy Spike Cheerilee 4/8 Who does Michelle Creber voice? Scootaloo Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle 5/8 Which Charecters do Nicole Oliver voice Hint: 2 choices Twilight Sparkel Rarity Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Applejack Fluttershy Luna Celestia Spike Derpy Cheerilee 6/8 Who voices Spike? Tabith St. German Tara Strong Cathy Weseluck 7/8 Who does Ashleigh Ball voice? Rainbow Dash and Applejack Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Rarity and Luna 8/8 Who does Madeline Peters voice? Scootaloo Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle