How much do you know about servals? Most of you, probaly don't know or have'nt heard of this wilcat. So this quiz is here to test you and also teach about this rare and unique wild cat specie. BlueStripedFox published on April 03, 2013 Stacked 1/7 True or false? Servals have the longest legs of all wildcats. True false 2/7 How high can a serval jump up to? 6 feet 42 cm 10 feet 5 feet 3/7 Where do servals come from? Asia Canada India Africa 4/7 Are servals endangered? Yes no 5/7 Baby servals take ___ days to gestate 2 weeks 70 days 90 days 6/7 How long does a serval live for? Up to 20 years up to 17 years 2years 7/7 what predators hunt servals? Hunting dogs, hyenas, lopards leopards, bears, jaguars eagles, bears, pumas