Physics shit These are the Physics definitions we need to know :) You're welcome ;) NumNub published on March 26, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Fleming's right hand rule Used with electric motors and forces acting on moving charges in magnetic fields. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in ma... Used with generators and electromagnetic induction. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in magnetic fields Used with electric motors and forces acting on moving charges in electric fields. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in el... Used with generators and electromagnetic induction. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in electric fields 2/5 Fleming's left hand rule Used with generators and electromagnetic induction. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in electric fields Used with generators and electromagnetic induction. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in magnetic fields Used with electric motors and forces acting on moving charges in magnetic fields. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in ma... Used with generators and electromagnetic induction. It shows the direction of the force on a conductor carrying a current in electric fields. 3/5 Electric field strength Force per unit negative charge Positive charge per unit force Force per unit positive charge Negative charge per unit force 4/5 Magnetic flux density A measure of the force acting upon an object in a magnetic field A measure of the strength of the magnetic field A measure of the distance the magnetic field acts upon A measure of the force acting upon a charge in a magnetic field 5/5 Strangeness The property of some quarks that is conserved in the strong interaction, but not the weak interactions The property of some quarks that is conserved in the weak interactions, but not the strong interactions A type of Quark A particle containing 3 quarks