Are you a true RESident? Well theres a game and theres a forum category called RES, I want you to take the ultimate test and find out if your a true RESident. KittyZ published on March 21, 2013 Stacked 1/5 On RES you can... Do charrie chats, chat, random posts and make charries and roleplay. Talk about roleplaying, fun stuff and toys. Do anything you like! 2/5 Does RES hate music Nope, I mean everyone likes some kinda music YES MUSIC IS SOO BAD! Maybe.. 3/5 Name some roleplaying themes. IDK? Fairies, Magic and Warrior cats High School, Creature and Warrior cats 4/5 Does RES hate roleplaying Roleplaying? YES! THEY SO HATE IT! NUH UH,RES WAS MADE 4 ROLEPLAYIN PEOPLE! Seriously obviously they do! I mean who roleplays? 5/5 Does RES have rankings? if yes what are they? Epic,Newbie,Noodle,Legend and They have rankings NO A FORUM IS SO NOT A PLACE FOR LITTLE RANKS Yes but I dont know