Food Quiz Quiz based on Knife safety, Food hygiene, protein and Fibre and much more KatelynMcChesneyXOXO published on March 12, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Fiber....? Whats fiber? Healthy, Helps your Brain process, ENERGY >> c; seriously.... FIBER? 2/5 When Cutting chicken what should you do with the knife if your going to use it again WASH IT! n get another one c; eat it ;o idk, wash it? leave it.. dont do anything? 3/5 What can Fiber Do? Fiber can prevent u haveing sugar rushes.. XD make you fat ;3 incresse your eye site c; make you get more friendz CX 4/5 Knife Safety;When holding a knife, what should you do to keep others and yourself safe? RUN AROUND LIKE A NINJA! >:D Hold it way from you, and dont be silly. Nothing. Dunno.... 5/5 What is Protein? A word. protein is in FOOODD! XD Protein is in Eggs and meat. protein is something.. ermmm...