How well do you know Jamie? Rawr fdsffdg fd gs fh f h fgxc xvf g rawr gfdkfhvdvgkdh jhkdh rawr ( P.S. this is in dinosaur so translation my be required jamiehawes123 published on March 09, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What is my favourite animal? Bear Snake Wolf Eagle 2/10 Where was i born? Kingston Sundbury Sudbury Belleville 3/10 What are my favourite colours? Hint: 2 choices Black Blue Red Green 4/10 How many brothers do i have? 2 3 0 1 5/10 What is my full name? James Daniel Ettinger Jamie Daniel Ettinger Jamie Daniel Hawes Jamie Daniel Hawes-Ettinger 6/10 What was my favourite TV show as a kid? Pokemon Iyunasha Digimon Yugi-Oh 7/10 How many times have i broken a bone? 1 0 5 2 8/10 What is my favourite video game? Call Of Duty ( anyone ) Super Smash Bros ( anyone ) Pokemon ( anyone ) Portal ( either one ) 9/10 What do i want to do when im older? Chemist Play Professional sports Marine Biology Zoology 10/10 If you really know me you will know that i talk about some of my cousins being like brothers to me. knowing that how many brothers would i have? 6 3 5 4