how well do you know me ???? i hope you do great though you may not get allot right unless ur my stalker 0.o Chicka_Bee published on March 04, 2013 Stacked 1/8 what is my fav. singer??? luke bryan jason aldean ke$ha eric church billy currington blake shelton 2/8 which is my fav. smiley??? 0.o ;) =) BD =P :D 3/8 am i single??? huh???? y u askin dis??? nope yep 4/8 what color hair do i have ? 0_o black RAINBOW!!!! blonde brown red 5/8 whats my fav. animal???? spider dog cat monkey sloth YOU 6/8 whats my fav. color??? pink neon colors :) rainbow BLACK yellow or chicken 7/8 last one .... am i a stalker ???? NO YES how should ik 8/8 how old am i ???? (hint: im in the 8th grade) 13 12 1 14