HOW WELL DO YOU REALLY KNOW ME? JUST SOMETHING I DID FOR FUN AND OUT OF BOREDOM TO SEE WHAT PEOPLE KNOW THE MOST ABOUT ME DANIELBARRETT published on February 26, 2013 Stacked 1/33 What is my middle name? steven lawrence walter joseph 2/33 what are my favorite kind of movies? comedy romantic superhero action 3/33 what is my favorite sport to play? football hockey baseball 4/33 what is my favorite tv show? south park dragon ball z simpsons the league 5/33 everyone knows who my favorite comic book character is (batman) but who is my second favorite? spiderman aquaman robin nightwing daredevil 6/33 what is my favorite movie? the dark knight the notebook saving private ryan forgetting sarah marshall 7/33 who is my favorite athlete? alfonso soriano aaron rodgers martin brodeur vince carter drew stanton 8/33 what is my biggest goal in life? to start a family get a good job live a long life keep my friends and family close throughout my life 9/33 what was my desired career before a p.e. teacher? football coach zoologist inventor nutritionist academic advisor 10/33 what do i have a phobia of? death spiders and tarantualas lightning bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and anything else of that sort 11/33 who is my idol that is not family related? martin brodeur mark zuckerberg socrates vince lombardi 12/33 what is my favorite position to play? football linebacker hockey goalie baseball pitcher out fielder 13/33 what is the name of my fraternity? tau kappa epsilon alpha tau omega phi kappa tau omega delta phi 14/33 what college athletic programs do i follow? ohio state university michigan state university university of illinois northwestern 15/33 what is my college nickname? squeeks bushy brows batdan king dan 16/33 what kind of dog do i have? dachshund german shephard pug beagle 17/33 i have 4 cultural backgrounds in me. which one do i represent the most as in love for it? bohemian irish german italian 18/33 what sport did i always wanted to play in a league but was never able to? soccer gymnastics lacrosse wrestling 19/33 i used to watch wrestling frequently. who was and technically still is my favorite wrestler? kane undertaker stone cold steve austin the rock 20/33 what is one of my unknown talents? wood working poem writing improv comedy drawing 21/33 who is my favorite musical artist? disturbed sean kingston the beatles bob marley 22/33 what is my favorite food? lobster steak lasagna chicken fried rice nachos 23/33 who is my favorite american historic figure who i happened to idolize the most till college. abraham lincoln george washington benjamin franklin thomas jefferson 24/33 who is my favorite actor? will ferrell christian bale jason segel will smith 25/33 what is my biggest hobby? collecting toys and figurines collecting comic books collecting sport cards collecting money collecting sport memorabilla 26/33 what is my favorite beer? shock top belgian white angry orchard hard cider harp goose island 312 27/33 who is my favorite director? steven spielberg george lucas tim burton christopher nolan 28/33 what team do i hate the most? cowboys notre dame yankees lakers miami heat 29/33 what athlete do i hate the most? tom brady kobe bryant alex rodriguez brady quinn lebron james 30/33 what is my favorite snack? chocolate pudding kettle cooked bbq chips nachos brown sugar pop tarts 31/33 what is my favorite desert? ice cream cake pie cookies 32/33 what is my preferred beverage? mountain dew cherry coke water rasberry iced tea lemonade 33/33 what am i most proud of in my life so far? my academic accomplishments my personality and character my choices in life and the path i'm going on my possessions my health choices my choice in friends and people to surround myself with