How much do you know about My Little Pony This quiz about how much you know about My Little Pony and if get failed that means you are a big fan of My Little Pony. Juliet1234 published on February 26, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Witch of these is Rainbow dash's pet A turtle A dog A hawk 2/10 How did Twilight become a princess Just being pretty Fixing a spell that Star Swirled The Bearded couldn't even do Past a big test 3/10 What is the name of shining armor's wife Princes Bella Princess Cadence Princess Morgan 4/10 What does Rainbow Dash look like A Blue body with rainbow hair A Rainbow body with blue hair A Orange body with blue hair 5/10 What is Pinkie Pie's favorite color Pink Orange Yellow 6/10 What is Fluttershy's cutie mark A bunny Three butterfly's 2 trees 7/10 Who was the first pony twilight met Applejack Pinkie Pie Rarity 8/10 How did Princess Luna get on the show A space ship landed in canderlot and Princess Luna walked out The elements of harmony destroyed night mare moon and then night mare moon cracked open and Princess Luna was there Princess Celastia was hiking and found Princess Luna siting and eating her lunch 9/10 What is the name of the episode where spike watch everybody's pet Spike has a big job Just for side kicks Pet day 10/10 What is Twilights favorite color Sparkles Purple Light Purple