do u really know justin drew bieber ♥♥♥ o love justin bieber so much so do this quiz to see if u really know him franlovesbieber published on February 19, 2013 Stacked 1/8 What are Justin Bieber's favorite crips/chips? Doritos dortioss 2/8 what time was justin born. am or pm doesn't matter. but it will get u a better score 12: 56 12:56 am 3/8 How many tattoos does Justin Bieber have? 5 i dont know 4/8 what is justin biebers 2 favourite foods. no cheating lol ♥♥♥ spaghetti and pizza pizza and spaghetti 5/8 How Tall Is Justin Bieber? 5' 9" 5.9 6/8 What is Justin Bieber's horoscope Zodiac sign? Pisces lalala 7/8 Whats Justin Bieber's favorite romantic movie? ♥♥♥ if u dont know the answer skip it The Notebook note book 8/8 what show to justin bieber guest host (2013) Saturday Night Live snl