Hand Foot and Mouth Disease The quiz covers the background, the modern process of dealing with the disease and the anticipated future of the disease. tmeidell published on February 18, 2013 Stacked 1/7 HFMD is transferred and contracted through... Mucus from sneezing or coughing Contact with infected stool both A and B are correct 2/7 A vaccine... exists and is used exists and isn't used doesn't exist 3/7 HFMD infection lasts... 5-7 days 5-7 weeks 1-3 months 4/7 HFMD symptoms last... 5-7 days 5-7 weeks 1-3 months 5/7 HFMD is not the same as Foot and Mouth Disease True False 6/7 HFMD affects... Children only Children and rarely adults Adults only Children, adults and animals Animals only 7/7 Hand Foot and Mouth Disease produces sores on inflicted organisms... Hand Feet Mouth All of the above