Name Droppers ap environmental science class period 4 important name dropper quiz oh yeah ambermarie published on February 04, 2013 Stacked 1/34 President who created the AAA and CCC Aldo Leopold Ted Turner FDR 2/34 Muckraker, "The Jungle" Sherwood Rowland Rachel Carson Upton Sinclair 3/34 Lowe Canal -> removed residents b/c it was built on toxic chemicals Lois Gibbs Chico Mendes Ken Sara-Wiwa 4/34 First Enviornmentalist who wrote "Man and Nature" Charles Darwin John Muir George Perkins Marsh 5/34 Discoveries on chemicals that destroy Earth's atmosphere, such as "chlorofluorocarbons" Mario Molina Jimmy Carter George Perkins Marsh 6/34 Primary founder of the Society of American Foresters Aldo Leopold Paul Ehrlich Gifford Pinchot 7/34 Wrote "An Essay on the Principal of Population" and created the Growth Model. Rule of 70! Thomas Malthus John James Audubon Charles Darwin 8/34 Nobel Prize winner, discovered that CFC's were depleting the ozone layer Thomas Malthus Bill Clinton Sherwood Rowland 9/34 Principal founder of Earth Day Richard Nixon Gaylord Nelson M. King Hubbert 10/34 President who set aside land for national parks when senator and worked with Lake Tahoe and created the ARB Ronald Reagan George Washington Carver Upton Sinclair 11/34 Environmental activist- petroleum waste dumping Ken Saro-Wiwa Thomas Malthus Lois Gibbs 12/34 Started Department of Energy and Superfund David Brower Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan 13/34 "Silent Spring" FDR Rachel Carson Jane Goodall 14/34 Founded Sierra Club John Muir John James Audubon Henry David Thoreau 15/34 Biodiverstiy Upton Sinclair Gifford Pinchot Dr. Norman Myer 16/34 Use of peanuts George Washington Carver Theodore Roosevelt Paul Ehrlich 17/34 Published "Birds of America" Troy Peterson John James Audubon Paul Ehrlich 18/34 Drew rubber from trees in Amazon Rainforest Lois Gibbs Chico Mendes Julia "Butterfly" Hill 19/34 President who created federal "Reclamation Service" (1902) and fought to protect national parks Theodore Roosevelt Mario Molina Lois Gibbs 20/34 Focused on wildlife, wrote "A Sand County Almanac" Julia "Butterfly" Hill Ronald Reagan Aldo Leopold 21/34 Geo-scientist at Shell, Hubbert curve or Hubbert peak theory Mario Molina Bill Clinton M. King Hubbert 22/34 Executive director of SIERRA CLUB David Brower John Muir Theodore Roosevelt 23/34 Professor of Zoology at University of Florida and helped out sea turtles George Washington Carver Archie Carr James Lovelock 24/34 Founded Green Belt movement focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women's rights Archie Carr Rachel Carson Wangari Maathai 25/34 Editor of "Science Illustrated", biologist Barry Commoner Mario Molina Wangari Maathai 26/34 Tragedy of the commons Garrett Hardin Ken Saro-Wiwa FDR 27/34 Gaia hypothesis James Lovelock Garret Hardin Lois Gibbs 28/34 President who created the Antiquities Act and prevented congress from cutting EPA's budget Thomas Malthus Bill Clinton Richard Nixon 29/34 Lived in tree for 2 years protesting the cutting down of Redwood Trees and founded "Circle of Life" organization Richard Nixon Lester Brown Julia "Butterfly" Hill 30/34 Transcendentalist who wrote "Walden" Henry David Thoreau Chico Mendes Theodore Roosevelt 31/34 Warned society about population growth and limited resources and wrote "The Population Bomb" Jane Goodall Rachel Carson Paul Ehrlich 32/34 Criticized western economy EF Schumacher Jimmy Carter Julia "Butterfly" Hill 33/34 Chimpanzees Garrett Hardin Jane Goodall Upton Sinclair 34/34 President that established the EPA and oversaw first Earth Day John Snow Richard Nixon FDR