crm final part2 E-shops involve the electronic tendering and procurement of goods and services. skyjdje published on January 14, 2018 Stacked 1/109 41. System integration: a) If the customer does not offer their password, automatically navigate the user to the customer identification screen b) If the customer submits a confirmed order, automatixally post it to the fulfillment system for verification and despatch 2/109 9. Technology implementation - CRM systems enable companies to manage the customer lifecycle more effectively and efficiently. t f 3/109 3. Customer expectations have played a direct role in the emergance of CRM technology. t f 4/109 19. The STARTS attributes have driven many companies to develop an IT-based knowledge management system which is capable of capturing, storing, organizing, interpreting (using data-mining tools) and distributing knowledge to users at customer touchpoints, so that marketing, sales and service objectives are accomplished. t f 5/109 31. Reporting can be: a) Standardized b) Predefined c) Query-based d) Ad hoc e) All of the above 6/109 22. CRM solutions can be custered into three groups: Hint: 3 choices a) Enterprise CRM suites b) Midmarket CRM suites c) CRM speciality tools d) Market CRM suites 7/109 17. Marketing objectives - these might include broad qualitative goals, such as winning commitment to the CRM strategy, motivating employees to adopt new work practices or developing a culture in which the customer’s voice is central. t f 8/109 18. Marketing mix is the set of tools that marketers use to bring about the results they want in their target markets. t f 9/109 2. Owner/investor relationships are a source of capital that prevent businesses to be established, to operate and grow, and in return they expect the value of that capital to grow. t f 10/109 36. Mobile synchronized solutions: a) Include a handheld or laptop device with a small resident database. b) Typically involve a handheld device. 11/109 28. Marketers use CRM to help: a) Create marketing plans b) Manage marketing budgets and loyalty programmes c) Launch new products d) Administer channel partnerrelationships e) All of the above 12/109 16. Marketing objectives – involves dividing the internal market into homogenous subsets so that you can target each group with a different marketing mix. t f 13/109 1. Owner/investor relationships are an important source of capital that allows businesses to be established, to operate and grow, and in return they expect the value of that capital to grow. t f 14/109 10. For CRM to be achieved there often needs to be high level of emphasis on hardware and infrastructure. t f 15/109 2. CRM has evolved only from a range of standalone technologiesv( call centers) t f 16/109 8. Midmarket CRM suites: this category comprises vendors that offer solutions with narrow functional breadth but deep specially capabilities for both enterprise and mid-market organizations. t f 17/109 33. Query-based (Ad hoc) reporting: a) Are tipically integrated in CRM software applications, but often need customizationto suit the needs of the organization. b) Present the user with a selection of tools which can then be used to construct a specific report. 18/109 13. The central element in CRM-enabled service is the service request of trouble ticket. t f 19/109 42. A consortium: a) is a group of organizations that act cooperatively for mutual benefit. b) is a group of organizations that act cooperatively for individual benefit. 20/109 26. Failure to comply with quality standards can be: a) a huge cost for some companies. b) An insignificant cost for some companies. 21/109 1. CRM has evolved from a range of standalone technologies including call centers, sales-force automation systems and customer information files (CIF), some of which date back to the 1970s and earier. t f 22/109 9. Midmarket CRM suites: this category comprises vendor solutions primarly targeted towards small and medium-sized businesses: organizations with revenues of less than US$1 billion per year and less than 1000 employees t f 23/109 32. Standardized (predefined) reports: a) Are tipically integrated in CRM software applications, but often need customizationto suit the needs of the organization. b) Present the user with a selection of tools which can then be used to construct a specific report. 24/109 26. Value proposition development a) a key component of strategic CRM b) a key component of collaborative CRM 25/109 6. CRM does not have to be flexible enough to stay in touch with changing audience (the customer). t f 26/109 5. Target market selection is a specific CRM competence that influence shareholder value. t f 27/109 19. Many companies believe that happy employees make happy customers make unhappy shareholders t f 28/109 42. ERM strives to: a) Build long -term relationships with valued customers b) Build long-term relationships with valued employees 29/109 14. Most marketing plans address a number of core issues: marketing objectives, market segmentations and targeting, market positioning, marketing mix. t f 30/109 37. Research suggests that perhaps 70 percent of alliances are: a) Between allies b) Between competitors 31/109 37. Wireless online solutions: a) Include a handheld or laptop device with a small resident database. b) Typically involve a handheld device. 32/109 22. Owner/investor relationships: a) are an important source of capital that allows businesses to be established b) are an important source of capital that prevent businesses to be established 33/109 40. Studies found that employee commitment was connected to company profititability in three ways, select one that is correct: a) Directly through employee behaviours b) Directly through customer satisfaction c) Directly through a reduction in staff absenteeism and turnover 34/109 20. Benchmarking is a business improvement discipline involving the continuous, systematic evaluation of products, services and processes against organizations that are recognized as representing best practice t f 35/109 12. B2B organizations are all the same: in size, structure, buying roles and transactional histories. t f 36/109 30. Internal marketing: a) is a planned effort to overcome organizational resistance to change and to align, motivate and integrate employees towards the effective implementation ... b) Deployment of marketing strategies and tactics to the workforce c) All of the above 37/109 21. Application integration separates the CRM system and other business systems. t f 38/109 6. Customer retention is not a specific CRM competence that influence shareholder value. t f 39/109 40. Agents are commonly used when: a) a business is small or geographically separated from the markets served and it doesn’t want or cannot afford to recruit and operate its own sales team. b) a business is small or geographically separated from the markets served and it wants but cannot afford to recruit and operate its own sales team. 40/109 12. Investors need to understand that CRM yields short-term benefits t f 41/109 35. Market segmentation and targeting: a) set of tools that marketers use to bring about the results they want in their target markets. a) Involves dividing the internal market into homogenous subsets so that you can target each group with a different marketing mix 42/109 23. For CRM goals to be achieved there often needs to be: a) Low level of emphasis on hardware and infrastructure b) High level of emphasis on hardware and infrastructure 43/109 38. STARTS stands for: a) Shareable, transportable, accurate, relevant, timely, secure b) Shareable, transportable, active, rational, timely, safe 44/109 10. Investors are not justifiably sceptical of new business models t f 45/109 41. The role of the broker is to: a) separate buyer and seller. b) bring together buyer and seller. 46/109 23. Shareholder value: a) cannot be created if the business makes a return on investment that is greater than the weighted average cost of the capital invested in the business (W... b) can only be created if the business makes a return on investment that is greater than the weighted average cost of the capital invested in the business ... 47/109 27. Customer retention: Is not a specific CRM competence that influence shareholder value. b) Is a specific CRM competence that influence shareholder value. 48/109 40. Application integration can be provided as standard by: Hint: 2 choices a) CRM b) Other system vendors c) None of the above 49/109 34. Marketing mix: a) concerned with how you want CRM to be perceived by each internal market segment. b) set of tools that marketers use to bring about the results they want in their target markets. c) broad qualitative goals, such as winning commitment to the CRM strategy, motivating employees to adopt new work practices or developing a culture in whi... 50/109 31. Most marketing plans address a number of core issues: Hint: 4 choices a) marketing objectives b) marketing strategies c) market segmentation and targeting d) market positioning e) marketing mix. 51/109 15. Analitycs can provide a deeper insight into the custome, reflected in key CRM metrics such as customer value, satisfaction and propensity to churn t f 52/109 25. Target market selection: a) Where demand is falling or static, or there is intense competition, margins come under pressure, with negative consequences for shareholder value b) CRM systems enable companies to manage the customer lifecycle more effectively and efficiently. 53/109 22. The ISO 9000 series is: a) the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs b) is family of related standards that have been developed to help organizations design, implement and operate effective quality managements system. c) All of the above 54/109 39. Partners in value delivery: a) Agents b) Brokers c) Management contractors d) Consortia e) Franchisees f) Licensees g) All of the above 55/109 38. Marriott Hotels, Virgin Airline, Westpac Bank, Taylor Nelson SOFRES (a market research company), Sears Roebuck and Volvo. They believe that: a) if employees are satisfied at work they will deliver excellent experience to their internal and external customers. b) if employees are not satisfied at work they will deliver excellent experience to their internal and external customers. 56/109 35. Analytical intelligence does not contain: a) Data mining b) Predictive modelling c) Delivery d) Forecasting e) Simulation f) Optimization 57/109 27. B2B organizations : a) Are all the same: in size, structure , buying roles and transactional histories b) Are not all the same: vary in size, structure , buying roles and transactional histories 58/109 34. The data mining process seeks t identify patterns and relationships in the data using: Hint: 2 choices a) Embracing processes b) Selection processes c) Exploration processes d) Modelling processes 59/109 27. Electronic data interchange (EDI) : a) Enables suppliers and customers to trade electronically. b) Prevent suppliers and customers to trade electronically. 60/109 26. Business consulting is: a) Services around business process re-engineering, process improvement and best practices for CRM b) Consulting support for the formulation of customer strategy, contact strategy, channel strategy, CRM strategy c) Design and development of application modifi cations, project management of software package implementation and training 61/109 23. ISO 9000 describes a) the fundamentals of quality management systems and sets out the terminology that is used in quality management systems. b) provides guidelines for both the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems. c) provides guidance on auditing quality management systems. 62/109 19. Customer advocacy groups (CAGs) promote and protect the interests of the company. t f 63/109 24. A number of specific CRM competences influence shareholder value, select the one that does not: a) Target market selection b) Customer acquisition c) Customer retention d) Customer liberation e) Customer development f) Value proposition development 64/109 41. CRM strives to: a) Build long -term relationships with valued customers b) Build long-term relationships with valued employees 65/109 11. Investors need to understand that CRM, well implemented, does have an influence on shareholder value. t f 66/109 36. There are three main strategic motives behind alliances between non- competing firms: Hint: 3 choices a) market expansion b) market reduction c) vertical integration d) horizontal integration e) diversification 67/109 34. E-shops: a) Involves the electronic tendering and procurement of good and services b) are a collections of e-shops on a single site c) Are electronic versions of conventional auctions d) None of the above 68/109 14. Many companies market and sell through channel members or service through special partners, and this is known as analitical CRM t f 69/109 11. Most CRM solutions are never aligned with primary front-office functions of marketing, sales and services t f 70/109 39. Information needs to be: Hint: 2 choices a) Shareable b) Transportable c) Relevant 71/109 31. Companies engaged in vendor reduction programmes are pursuing a number of benefits: Hint: 4 choices a) Reduced transaction costs b) Increased transaction costs c) Additional volume discounts d) Performance compliance e) Increased technical cooperation f) Reduced technical cooperation 72/109 35. An e-mall: a) Involves the electronic tendering and procurement of goods and services b) Is a collection of e-shops on a single site. 73/109 36. Contractors: a) Employees who have no customer contract at all b) Emloyees who have direct frequent or periodic customer contract 74/109 28. Strategic benefits from EDI include some of the the following: a) acts as a structural bond that not only symbolizes the commitment of the participants, but also acts as barrier to exiting the relationship b) provides convenient access to accurate customer purchasing and payment histories and to detailed customer management costs that can be useful when condu... c) ensures improved customer service (more accurate and timely fulfilment) d) All of the above 75/109 38. Sponsorship is: a) the material or financial support of some property. b) the emotional support of some property 76/109 7. Customer development - effective cross-selling and up-selling grows share of wallet and the value of retained customers. t f 77/109 29. Many companies market and sell through channel members or service through specialist partners. This is known as: a) Strategic CRM b) Collaborative CRM c) Analytical CRM 78/109 7. The CRM ecosystem is made up of three major groups: CRM solutions providers, hardware and infrastructure vendors, and service providers. t f 79/109 24. ISO 19011: a) provides guidelines for both the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems. b) specifies the requirements of a quality management system when organizations need to demonstrate their ability to provide products and services that mee... c) describes the fundamentals of quality management systems and sets out the terminology that is used in quality management systems. d) None of the above 80/109 21. Agents and brokers are the only two different types in value delivery t f 81/109 37. Isolateds: a) Employees who have no customer contract at all c) Employees who have direct frequent or periodic customer contract 82/109 29. Investors need to understand that CRM: a) well implemented, does have an influence on shareholder value. b) when well implemented, influences both sides of the profit equations: cost and revenues c) yields long-term benefits d) all of the above 83/109 39. ERM software application stands for: a) Employer relationship management software application b) Emloyee relationship management software application 84/109 5. CRM must be flexible enough to stay in touch with changing audience (the customer). t f 85/109 25. Process alignment has the objective of reducing the cost of maintaining the relationship.Two processes are widely aligned: Hint: 2 choices a) Quality processes b) Order fulfilment processes c) Quantity processes 86/109 17. There are three main strategic motives behind alliances between non- competing firms: market expansion, vertical integration or diversification. t f 87/109 20. Two main types of integrations are: batch processing and real-time integration. t f 88/109 33. Market positioning: a) concerned with how you want CRM to be perceived by each internal market segment. b) set of tools that marketers use to bring about the results they want in their target markets. c) broad qualitative goals, such as winning commitment to the CRM strategy, motivating employees to adopt new work practices or developing a culture in whi... 89/109 20. Marriott Hotels, Virgin Airline, Westpac Bank, Taylor Nelson SOFRES (a market research company), Sears Roebuck and Volvo. They believe that if employees are not satisfied at work they will deliver excellent experience to their internal and external customers t f 90/109 28. Investors: a) are not justifiably sceptical of new business models b) are justifiably sceptical of new business models 91/109 18. Research suggests that perhaps 70 percent of alliances are between competitors t f 92/109 18. Unlike purely internal system, CRM system does not have to be able to operate in the office, out of the office and over the web. t f 93/109 4. Customer expectations were irrelevant in the emergance of CRM technology t f 94/109 21. Employee relationship management (ERM) provides applications, content and services that enhance the value of the employee to the organization and directly affect the activities by which employees create value for the customer t f 95/109 8. Customer acquisition - a key component of strategic CRM is the development of value propositions that customers prefer over competitors and want to buy. t f 96/109 3. Shareholder value can only be created if the business makes a return on investment that is greater than the weighted average cost of the capital invested in the business (WACC). t f 97/109 30. Fixed costs are: a) Those that are associated with a particular transaction b) All the other costs of creating, and maintaining a relationship with supplier 98/109 17. The data mining process seeks to dentify patterns and relationships in the data, using selection, exploration and modelling processes. t f 99/109 24. McKinsey, Peppers and Rogers are examples of which service: a) Technical consulting b) Application consulting c) Strategy consulting 100/109 29. Variable costs are: a) Those that are associated with a particular transaction b) All the other costs of creating, and maintaining a relationship with supplier 101/109 15. Most marketing plans address two of core issues: marketing objectives, market segmentations and targeting t f 102/109 16. Reporting can only be standardized (predefined). t f 103/109 33. B2B e-commerce is a: a) Much less significant phenomenon than B2C e-commerce. b) Much more significant phenomenon than B2C e-commerce. 104/109 4. Shareholder value cannot be created if the business makes a return on investment that is greater than the weighted average cost of the capital invested in the business (WACC). t f 105/109 32. Marketing objectives: a) concerned with how you want CRM to be perceived by each internal market segment. b) set of tools that marketers use to bring about the results they want in their target markets. c) broad qualitative goals, such as winning commitment to the CRM strategy, motivating employees to adopt new work practices or developing a culture in whi... 106/109 30. The three levels of analysis in today's CRM system, in increasing order of complexity are: Hint: 3 choices a) Standard reporting b) Online reporting c) Online analytical processing(OLAP) d) Data mining 107/109 32. The categories that dominate consumer spending are: Hint: 6 choices a) Computer hardware b) Movie and event tickets c) Automotive d) Office supplies e) Consumer electronics f) Child and baby products g) makeup and cosmetics h) branded clothing and footwear 108/109 25. Strategy consulting is : a) Services around business process re-engineering, process improvement and best practices for CRM b) Consulting support for the formulation of customer strategy, contact strategy, channel strategy, CRM strategy c) Design and development of application modifi cations, project management of software package implementation and training 109/109 13. People design and implement the CRM strategy, they use CRM software to help them run campaigns and events, and to sell to and service customers t f