I am leaving by tomorrow, probably because no one likes me anymore. But there is a way to save me. If you take all my 8 quizzes and post your result on all of them, then I won't leave. I need 7 qfeasters to do this deal or else... I leave. Spread the news if you can.
- @rainbowcrystalkookookitty
I am leaving by tomorrow, probably because no one likes me anymore. But there is a way to save me. If you take all my 8 quizzes and post your result on all of them, then I won't leave. I need 7 qfeasters to do this deal or else... I leave. Spread the news if you can.
- @rainbowcrystalkookookitty
on August 16, 2015

Everyone stop helping me I am leaving tomorrow unless they do the deal
on August 16, 2015

Thank you @Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf @The_Gir_Army @AttackOnTitanLover you helped me a lot. Spread the news to 7 more qfeasters to save me.
on August 15, 2015

1 down 9 to go. Thanks @AttackOnTitanLover you got me one step closer from me not leaving. Tell as many people as possible to comment on mu quizzes.
on August 15, 2015

If 10 of you qfeasters take all my quizzes and comment your results on all of them, then I won't leave. Otherwise, goodbye.
on August 15, 2015

I am making things worse. I started the whole thing with the mlp shipping with flutterkitty. I am the one who starts the drama. Like this one. See, I need too leave because I am the drama queen. If I leave, then you won't have any more problems.
on August 15, 2015

on August 15, 2015

@AttackOnTitanLover just stop, really stop trying to help me. (I hope that didn't sound mean.)
on August 15, 2015

Fine I won't be mad, I will just be in pain, the sad depressing pain. :(( You guys are the best, and I am just a bitch who doesn't give a f*ck. You can hate me if you want. I am the problem.
on August 15, 2015

I have tried, I am done.

Don't be mean! People will ignore you even more! Even worse, they'll HATE you. Be who you are!
on August 15, 2015
on August 15, 2015

X-( I am going to be mean until someone notices me. :(( Life on qfeast is just.... nothing for me. :(

Yes, no one really likes me anymore. :( I am just so different. I feel left out... @AttackOnTitanLover
on August 15, 2015
on August 15, 2015

And now Mabel :D
And now Mabel :D

Mabel's Lament (Fluttershy's Lament)
on August 15, 2015

This is really cute :33
This is really cute :33

Fluttershy's Lament
No I did not make the song. This is just sort of how I envisioned the clips running together if the original song were made out of actual video clips along w...
on August 15, 2015

2 Contest: Anime, Chibi, or , Kawaii
It can people or animals real or made-up.
No tracing but you can get it off the Internet.
You can only put in one drawing entry this time.
Deadline: August 18 2015
Get started and have fun!
It can people or animals real or made-up.
No tracing but you can get it off the Internet.
You can only put in one drawing entry this time.
Deadline: August 18 2015
Get started and have fun!
on August 15, 2015

The Winners:
1st place. @Kisume
2nd place. @Ruby_the_fox
3rd place. @beesafe
4th place. @Rustpaw
5th place. @Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf
1st place. @Kisume
2nd place. @Ruby_the_fox
3rd place. @beesafe
4th place. @Rustpaw
5th place. @Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf
on August 15, 2015

I am now going to announce the winners for the drawing contest!
on August 15, 2015

If you like kitties put a =^.^= and follow me
If you like puppies then put a :) and take one of my quizzes and tell me your result
If you like puppies then put a :) and take one of my quizzes and tell me your result
on August 15, 2015

If you like sonic put a :)
If you like mlp put a <3
If you like both put a :D
If you like mlp put a <3
If you like both put a :D
on August 15, 2015