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How to get rid of muscle fever?

Can someone explain me the dice game in The Witcher 2 game?

Help! Ubuntu 13.4 OS I'm running Ubuntu 13.4 and I'm stuck in console/command prompt mo...

Do you wanna star in a movie? Well, you can! Please go to the newest page I have and re...

what is the best? brutality or stamina/speed? dagger/sword/duelwield or claymore give d...

Can you use your saved drafts? I was making a quiz and saved all drafts but then i had ...

has anyone read the ghost bird books? i have recently read these amazing books and was ...

is doctor who season 7 out yet help im only on the 1st season but i heard it might be o...

Do you know why Kate Chopin's original title for the novel, A Solitary Soul, was change...

Who is your favorite KHR! character? I love them all hehe but I have crushes too *o* list of my KHR! crushes <3 1)Gokudera 2)Giotto 3)Mukuro 4)Fran 5)Xanxus 6)Byakuran 7)Fon 8)Reborn 9)Enma OMG! so much.. *tap index finger together* I can't choose ._. If you don't know KHR! you gotta watch it or read the manga lol ITS AWESOME!

Who is your favorite KHR! character? I love them all hehe but I have crushes too *o* li...

Who's your favourite "Riddles of epsilon character? All in the question, i like Jessica

Who's your favourite "Riddles of epsilon character? All in the question, i like Jessica

Reflect on a time where you used pedagogical documentation to make learning visible. Ke...

What's your favourite chapter from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Mine is definitely Sectumsempra!!! :D

What's your favourite chapter from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Mine is defi...

Will you come to the Rating page? The rating page is full of ratings to TV shows and apps and movies and books and evreything else: even users!

Will you come to the Rating page? The rating page is full of ratings to TV shows and ap...

Does anyone here like TVD?Or should I say Klaroline? I just want to know if someone hap...

I have missed a lot of school and my teacher is having a hard time helping me catch up....

heya I need peeps to enjoy my making so I need tips tips plz!!!

Guess What?!?! Spoiler Alert!!! EPIC TWIST!! There will be 3 books for Celestrians (Celestrians, Celestrians: Darkness, Celestrians: Saving) at the end of book 1 someone in the main characters will change sides! He/She has turned into the Demon Form of the Celestrian. This carries into the 2ed book and something AMAZING HAPPENS!! Can you wait? Well ya have to! I hope you like Celestrians and please answer on if you like it or not!                                  ~Celest_Stories

Guess What?!?! Spoiler Alert!!! EPIC TWIST!! There will be 3 books for Celestrians (Cel...

what in the auditory system are rods and cones in the visual system comparable to? a. h...

lots of people like 1D, so click. Hi, I just was wondering, you guys wanna read a new o...