who is the cutest couple at ever after high?
What's homestuck?
all i know is its about trolls XD
Why do cats like boxes?
Should I help sad people!?
Some people are saying that "I give up on help." so its up t...
how do I fight someone bigger then me?
So before church, my friend who is 15 years old,...
What was the first pet you had?
Mine was a cat, Ambrose, he died of cancer 13 years old...
how do I get over my fear?
Well I'm scared to talk to my friends at choir, sometimes I ...
What is creepy pasta?
now, i asked who Ben Drowned is but everyone said he's a creepy p...
Who is your favorite Youtube rapper, music maker or singer?
So anyone on utube that u t...
What are some good anime's to watch?
I've watched Soul Eater, SAO, Fairy Tail, Attack o...
What is your favorite month?
Choose your fav month and tell me why! Make sure you comme...
whats your favorite video game
Riddle Number Ten
Henry, manager of the Dead Sea Resort, was lounging in his room when ...
Are your Brother or Sister annoying?
I have a really annoying sister who sometimes does...
What is a "real" anime?
So a guy I know, claims that Dragonball Z, Fullmetal Alchemist,...
What do you think of Homestuck?
Pretty much self-explanatory.
What's your favorite Harry Potter movie?
Mine's Deathly Hallows pt. 2, but what's yours?
Whose is Better 1D or 5 Seconds of Summer?
I'd say both but I've mostly heard 1D so I'd...
What do you think fnaf4 is gonna be like?
who knows about the anime Sailor moon?
luna the cat and Usagi Tsukino aka sailor moon