Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Whats your halloween costume?
11 / 2
What's up with this pick?
She's a Vegitairion though!?!?
6 / 0
Is it OK for teachers to take things away from their pupils?
Should teachers be able to take away distractions during the day? After all it is the student's possession, and it should be up to their parents as to whether or not they want their children to have these thing at school. Coul...
7 / 0
can you solve the riddle 2
two men walk in a bar and both ask for a soda. the waiter puts poisen in the soda. the first man drinks the soda quickly and dies. the seconed drinks the soda slowly and lives. how did he live. hint:there is ice in the soda.
2 / 0
can you solve the riddle?
a man has a guitar and a flute case. the flute case can carry the guitar. how?
4 / 5
heya I need peeps to enjoy my making so I need tips
How to get long nails fast?
2 / 0
Aw snap dawg how are you
Y'all have snapchat?
2 / 0
How much jewelry can briar beauty have?
A.very little B.a lot C.more than you can imagine D.the usual
3 / 0
Exclusive Advice
Have a Question About .Fashion .Boys .Girly stuff that you want to be answered well Me MissExclusive is here to help just ask away
1 / 0
will my 92 accord body kit fit my 98 civic
i have this body hit for a 92 4 door accord and i was wondering if it would fit on my 98 civic 4 door if any one could answer that be great
0 / 0
Can someone PLEASE Help me?!?!?
I have mixed feelings about someone. I don't know how to feel about him. But he likes me. So much that he came and told me at my house! (i'm just happy my dad didn't answer the door..)
3 / 5
Where is the ambient lighting on my new (2013) Ford Fiesta Zetec S?
In the Brochure it shows it from the central cup holder, the roof ,shining on the gear leaver area, above the glove box and the door side pockets. I only have the central cup holders lit up.
0 / 0
What do you think of this "front cut" dress?
I really like it, you?
29 / 43
Who here loves Converse?
So who here loves converse? I sure do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 / 7
i have a 3mm 1mm neodymium magnet toy magnet how much pull would it have if it was accelerattd by electriciitti
i have a 3mm 1mm neodymium magnet toy magnet how much pull would it have if it was accelerattd by electriciitti
1 / 0
How many times do you get onto Qfeast??
...pretty self explanatory
16 / 6
if u only had 1 pick of food to eat for the rest of ur life, what would u pick?
make sure u add in why and how long it took u to find ur answer. ppl like details, but if u cant find out why, iz ok. enjoy thinking!
18 / 17
whats your fav accesorie for girls
purse watch headband and so on....
9 / 4