What's your most searched thing on google? Mine's derp... I have no idea why...

What Does BTW mean??? What Does BTW mean???
What does this mean? What does the parenthesis with the number in it mean in a tests ti...
Can someone give me more infomation about app inventor for android? i am doing a comput...
Can someone help me with my PERL script? I'm trying to make a PERL script run only when...
Alieware-can it be refunded? I bought an Alienware aurora R3 last Christmas, so its not...

What do you think is the best laptop?? i think the best laptop is the Alienware m17x r4...
on my laptop i have three usb ports but one of them is a sata usb what does this men
what is coquelicot in inglish? just seeing if you guys know!
>> what does it mean? i know that a B**** is a female dog but what does it mean when a guy calls you a B**** plus i am only 11 and so is he :/">What does it mean when a guy call you a B**** OMG this guy came up to me and said "B***...
Write a script in perl that performs a post processing action: The run time environment...
in perl script write a script Write a script that will create the following test files ...