do you have tic toc? i do

Who is your favorite character from Eddsworld? If you do not have one, what is your fav...
If you were given a chance to write a story before you die, what will you write? What i...
If your were the author/writer of your own story/life who are you, the protagonist or t...

Tell me what DSMP member you think you relate to the most You tell me what DAMP member ...

Who are your top 15 favorite Harry Potter characters? Mine are Harry Potter, Hermione G...

what was your embarrassing moment when you were young? okokok! everyone be HONEST!

Do you like Harry Potter? And what's your favorite Harry Potter movie? I love Harry Pot...
Your dream smp boyfried/girlfriend your answers to a question gives you your partner

fav harry potter charcter? my fav is ron
How do i know if i like someone?- I think i have feelings for someone how do i know if ...
What does bruh mean?
Do you like chicken?
do you know that enderman are human?!

do you like one direction? i love some of there songs
can you fowlow any one with a little fowlers?

can you subscribe to Mysterious_wolf?

how do i be ungrounded? i am grounded T.T so if you know how to be ungrounded please te...