hey Eli wanna be friends?
How do I talk to a live person at Swiss Airlines?
Does anyone have any tips for giving speeches hhh II have to do so many speeches this y...
How do you monitor how the search engine rankings (TOP100) for your keywords are changi...
Is this website still active? Years ago, I was active on this place under at least two,...
If you could own one Pokemon in real life, which one would it be?
Glitchtrap got stuck in my VR headset again I need help getting him out!
Is Lufthansa a good airline?
How are you feeling? A little under the weather? Like you've got the flu? That would be...
Quanto custa mala adicional United?

How much yeast have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go gray!

Whos your favorite pony dont answer if i dont like you
How can I get a refund from AeroMexico?
Delta airlines seat selection

How can I speak to a live person at Google?

Can I talk to a live person at Facebook?

What is your favorite Halloween movie? Sooo what’s YOUR favorite Halloween movie?
Who was your first celebrity crush? Well? Who was your VERY first celebrity crush?