IMPORTANT: How do meteorites hit Earth? What causes a meteorite to hit this beloved planet? Please tell me as much as you know. Thanks

IMPORTANT: How do meteorites hit Earth? What causes a meteorite to hit this beloved planet? Please tell me as much as you know. Thanks

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The gravitational pull of a planet pulls objects such as meteorites to the planet, and meteorites are normally large chunks of crystals from a portion of an planet that died/ exploded, or perhaps a piece of a new planet that is forming that was accidentally hit by another meteorite, and therefore was shot out of that area’s gravitational pull, and was drawn to by another planet, such as earth’s gravitational pull, due to the fact that it is bigger ?
on September 29, 2018
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They come out of the sky randomly
on September 27, 2018
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on September 27, 2018
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