Who wants to be in my next story Special Containment Facility for Inhuman Creatures? Okay note this will be a readers POV story and this will be of captured creepypasta ocs being contained in the facility. Note that it must be either animal, hybrid, mutant, or monstrous like since it is a story about inhuman creatures not humans and it has to be of ocs you've drawn or designed no pictures off the internet please if not just type in the description of what your oc looks like. Oc I'm accepting amount to be at least six: 1- Wolf_The_Ninja 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Form Name: Age: Species: Mutated, experiment, hybrid, animal, or other?: Skills: Any powers?: Abilities: Weaknesses: History: Other:
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Name: Wolf
Age: 16
Species: A wolf-human
Mutated, experiment, hybrid, animal, or other?: Hybrid/Experiment
Skills: She can shoot a bow and hit you from the maximum of 30000 miles away as long as the bow is strong enough.
Any powers?: Run 3000 MPH
Abilities: She has the agility to balance on almost nothing, and to bend the minds of her victims. See More
Weaknesses: If she loses her gas mask, her jaw will hang open and might fall off, she will have a chance to die if she is not around radiation or toxic air, or her horse, Pestilence. For her to live she always has Pestilence by her side.
History: She was a test subject, by her own self, she tested on herself and made a mistake, injecting herself with the DNA of a wolf, turning her into one, she tried to fix it, but later, just made it worse, turning herself into a monster she roams the towns with her toxic zombie horse, Pestilence. If she is disturbed by a humans presence, she will hunt them down and kill them slowly, gutting them, and hanging them on trees, telephone poles, ETC.
Other: She has huge claws and she can change into a human if she wants to, she is human when she rides Pestilence.
Age: 16
Species: A wolf-human
Mutated, experiment, hybrid, animal, or other?: Hybrid/Experiment
Skills: She can shoot a bow and hit you from the maximum of 30000 miles away as long as the bow is strong enough.
Any powers?: Run 3000 MPH
Abilities: She has the agility to balance on almost nothing, and to bend the minds of her victims. See More
Weaknesses: If she loses her gas mask, her jaw will hang open and might fall off, she will have a chance to die if she is not around radiation or toxic air, or her horse, Pestilence. For her to live she always has Pestilence by her side.
History: She was a test subject, by her own self, she tested on herself and made a mistake, injecting herself with the DNA of a wolf, turning her into one, she tried to fix it, but later, just made it worse, turning herself into a monster she roams the towns with her toxic zombie horse, Pestilence. If she is disturbed by a humans presence, she will hunt them down and kill them slowly, gutting them, and hanging them on trees, telephone poles, ETC.
Other: She has huge claws and she can change into a human if she wants to, she is human when she rides Pestilence.

on November 22, 2016
on November 22, 2016