Should I reset my Skyrim Profile? I made some terrible choices through my game... I am supposed to be a good guy, and my cousin told me that to comeplete one of the Main Quests, I need to join the Theives Guild in Riften. I want quests I am ACTUALLY WILLING to do in my Log. 2nd, it's kinda boring playing on Novice, (I play on that difficulty because I am a noob.) I wanna go up a little and have harder Main Quests, Alduin was to easy... If you want to suggest what difficulty to me, please do so. 3rd, I dunno about this one, but I wanna change my race. (Elf, Orc, etc.) I've chosen the Imperial because I get more money, plus, I prefer Imperial over Stormcloak, (damn Ulfric kills the damn "Future High King...") Also, should I go Conjuration Mage or Blacksmith for Deadric Armor? (Conjuration for Armor? Search it up on YouTube.)
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