qmind asked a question
Are there life in outer space? How would the aliens look like? and lastly, describe the...
on August 13, 2015
qmind created a poll
You wake up as the opposite gender! Reaction?
on August 12, 2015
qmind created a poll
You are harry potter! What would you do now?
on August 12, 2015
qmind created a poll
What kind of sci-fi device would you prefer to have?
on August 12, 2015
qmind asked a question
How many kpop bands do you know? Mention as many as you can or if it´s too much: just m...
on August 11, 2015
on August 11, 2015
qmind created a poll
What is your favourite tv series?
on August 11, 2015
qmind created a poll
You are doctor who! Where do you travel?
on August 11, 2015
created a
How much do you know about doctor who the revival? part 1
on August 11, 2015
qmind asked a question
Are there any possible way to body swap and in that case, how?
on August 11, 2015
qmind asked a question
Is there a possible way to make a timemachine and in that case how?
on August 11, 2015
qmind created a poll
Wich doctor who revival female companion do you like most?
on August 10, 2015