Favourite Soul Eater Boy?

whos your fave foreign/old kid

which anais design do you prefer?

Which Color Palette for this boy?

Which cartoon Network old show is your favoritr(s)?
best adult cartoon?

Back on the Reboot topic: Which Beatles Reboot would you rather watch?

who's your favorite jojo?

hey, would you watch a beatles cartoon reboot that looked like this?

What do you think of Gelatin?

What do you think of Teardrop?

What do you think of Leafy?

What do you think of Firey?

What do you think of Lightning?
spiderman or deadpool?

Whats your fav fusion?

Can you gues which characer im talking characthers first one its a anime IF YOU ANSWERE...

Which Trunks/Trunks look do you think is/was best?

Who is the best Goku Black?