Cases idk ..

Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen
What is your favorite color: silver or gold?
which pirate is hotter?
Which one of these animals is your favorite?

Apple and Android
whos hotter? (K-pop)

SOLO SONGG (choose fast bc i dony got much time!!)
![Solo song (tryna figute out a song for solo dance)[also need a book with it] Solo song (tryna figute out a song for solo dance)[also need a book with it]](/i/rs:fit:240:150/mh:150/plain/imret/pl/alszIr.jpeg)
Solo song (tryna figute out a song for solo dance)[also need a book with it]

Is TDP good or bad? (TDP= the dragon prince)

Wings Of Fire or Warrior Cats?

Cupcake or Cookie?
the amazing death circus ending should be...

Which type of person is worse?

Which song would you rather listen to?
What do you see me being in the future?
Worst ThunderClan leader?(PLS say whY)
What Warrior Cats villain is the best?