What Match Type Are You? Which Match Type are you? Are you more of an Exact or more of BMM? Take this quiz and find out! ksc14 published on July 10, 2015 Stacked 1/5 What is your drink of choice? Whiskey on the rocks Strawberry margaritas Picklebacks Mike's hard lemonade Coors light 2/5 What song speaks to you the most? Dave Matthews Band - Crash Queen - We Are the Champions Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much EDC - all of it Radiohead - Creep 3/5 What's your favorite summertime activity? Going to the post office Organizing brunch Organizing my pantry Going off the grid... who knows where I am Tagging along other people's plans 4/5 What's your favorite 90s TV show? Seinfeld Friends West Wing Fresh Prince of Bel Air Family Double Dare 5/5 Who is your favorite US president? George W. Bush Bill Clinton Chester Arthur Abe Lincoln George Washington