Which ddlc character are you? Which ddlc characters are you(with mc/you) and please play or watch the game Oceanaplays published on March 13, 2021 Stacked 1/9 what is your fav drink PESPI idk Tea idk and idc ... 2/9 Are you a yandere No WHAT NO BAKA People say I am but I'm not Yes I got kidnapped by one bruh 3/9 How do you want to die Hang myself up on my roof Breaking my neck Stabbing myself being deleted by the one I love By having a heartattck 4/9 Do you like to bake cupcakes I like to eat them YES I am more into tea I ate on before.... ... 5/9 What is your fav food any spring food CUPCAKES idk HAMBURGERS PIZZA 6/9 What is your fav color I don't have one PINK Purple green,blue and Red Yellow 7/9 Are you deperssed yes :( WHAT NO BAKA No... Hmmmm Idk I am not sayori 8/9 what is your fav animals Sloth cat Dragon or tiger Dog IDC 9/9 Did you like this? yes yes but can we just get to my answers No yes idc YES sure