Are You a Western rider or an English Rider? Do you Ride English or Western answer these questions to see if you are riding The right Method for your Personality. EnglishRiding101 published on December 27, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Do you say Walk/Trot/Canter or Walk/Jog/Lope? Walk/Jog/Lope Walk/Trot/Canter Huh? A Little of both 2/5 Do you prefer tall leggy horses or compact Horses? Both Compact Horses Huh? Tall leggy Horses 3/5 Do you live in the city or the country? Country City 4/5 Do you Jump? Yes What is Jumping? Sometimes No 5/5 Do you Like to wear comfy clothes while riding or a special riding outfit? A little bit of this and a little bit of that Riding Outfit (jodhpurs, Helmet...) I don't know what you are talking about Comfy Clothes