Which one of my friends are you (2) are you me, or one of my friends or roomate <3 try it if you want :) please ! TheFairyTailDj published on February 08, 2015 Stacked 1/7 Favorite color Blue Purple Green Red Yellow Orange Mutli Brown Black 2/7 what job do you want work in the military Doctor DeeJay none of the above 3/7 what do you think of dyeing hair no one should do it i have dyed hair i want dyed hair 4/7 Favorite video game Smash Brothers Brawl Legend of Zelda Minecraft Mario Sims wii u 5/7 Favorite thing to do Draw Be on the internet play games Smash bros. Brawl none 6/7 what anime is best of these Attack on Titan Death Note Sword Art Online Other 7/7 do you dance yeah, but i never told any classes yeah, told classes no, dancing is for girls No, i never tried