What's Your Personality? (7)

What's Your Personality? (7)

Take this quiz and find out if you're a girly girl, tomboy, emo, etc. It'll be awesome.

published on January 09, 2016

What books do you like to read?

What books do you like to read?
Action or horror (Me: My two favorite genres!)
Romantic!!! (Me: Of course)
Romantic comedy (Me: Comedies are good)
Drama mostly death (Me: They do make great movies)
Drama mostly death or no movies (Me: Yeah)

What colors do you tend to wear?

What colors do you tend to wear?
Pinks and stuff close to pink! (Me: Oh brother.)
Blue, black, white, purple. (Me: Nice. Me too!)
Any color really. I don't really care. (Me: Nice.)
Black mostly (Me: Me too.)
Black and dark purple. Just dark colors. (Me: Me too.)

How is your personality?

How is your personality?
Sporty! (Me: Ikr! Go MSU! Look them up)
Um popular like duh! (Me: Why me?!)
Just your average girl. (Me: No such thing. Everyone is unique)
Goth (Me: Honest. I like it)
Emo. So I hate you all (Me: Hm. Blunt. I like it)

Who is your worst enemy?

Who is your worst enemy?
GIRLY GIRLS! (Me: Yeah me too!)
Tomboys! They are like totally ew! (Me: WTF?!)
I don't really have one (Me: I like you)
The populars! They just don't get it! (Me: Some do. It's okay!)
Everyone. No one gets me. (Me: I get you. I am like you)

Can guys and girls be best friends?

Can guys and girls be best friends?
Hellz yeah! Look at me! (Me: I only got guy friends! No flippin drama!)
Ew no! Guys are always to sweaty and gross and immature! (Me: Yeah? So what?)
Yeah. But one is always gonna fall for the other. (Me: Tru Dat)
Idk. I have no friends. (Me: It's okay. I used to be like that. But this person followed me around until I agreed to be their friend)
Idc. I hate everyone. (Me: If you tried you'd be able to find people like you.)

What do you like to do in your free time?

What do you like to do in your free time?
Play sports and exercise. (Me: Me too bruh.)
Shopping! Like duh! (Me: Shoot me!)
Hanging out. Skating or going through my closet to find a cute outfit. (Me: Cool)
Idc. Write poetry I guess. (Me: I write, but not poetry)
Cut or take photos I guess. (Me: I cut too. you're not alone. Don't be ashamed)

Are you close to your family?

Are you close to your family?
Yes. Sometimes. When we play competitive games and watch sports. (Me: Ikr)
No. Well mostly my daddy. Or mommy. Never both of them. (Me: Okay?)
Yes. (Me: Nice!)
No. (Me: Because they don't understand you?)
No. They don't care about me. (Me: I'm sure they do!)

What music do you listen to?

What music do you listen to?
POP! (Me: Just leave please!)
Hip Hop and Dubstep and Rap (Me: Sweet! These are my favorite kinds)
Pop, rap, anything on the radio (Me: Yeah)
Idk. Just bands in general. (Me: Nice. I like Green Day and Linkin Park)
Idc. Just sad music. I guess. (Me: I understand that. I do too at times.)