What's Your Personality? (7) Take this quiz and find out if you're a girly girl, tomboy, emo, etc. It'll be awesome. myakimberly01 published on January 09, 2016 Stacked 1/8 What books do you like to read? Action or horror (Me: My two favorite genres!) Romantic!!! (Me: Of course) Romantic comedy (Me: Comedies are good) Drama mostly death (Me: They do make great movies) Drama mostly death or no movies (Me: Yeah) 2/8 What colors do you tend to wear? Pinks and stuff close to pink! (Me: Oh brother.) Blue, black, white, purple. (Me: Nice. Me too!) Any color really. I don't really care. (Me: Nice.) Black mostly (Me: Me too.) Black and dark purple. Just dark colors. (Me: Me too.) 3/8 How is your personality? Sporty! (Me: Ikr! Go MSU! Look them up) Um popular like duh! (Me: Why me?!) Just your average girl. (Me: No such thing. Everyone is unique) Goth (Me: Honest. I like it) Emo. So I hate you all (Me: Hm. Blunt. I like it) 4/8 Who is your worst enemy? GIRLY GIRLS! (Me: Yeah me too!) Tomboys! They are like totally ew! (Me: WTF?!) I don't really have one (Me: I like you) The populars! They just don't get it! (Me: Some do. It's okay!) Everyone. No one gets me. (Me: I get you. I am like you) 5/8 Can guys and girls be best friends? Hellz yeah! Look at me! (Me: I only got guy friends! No flippin drama!) Ew no! Guys are always to sweaty and gross and immature! (Me: Yeah? So what?) Yeah. But one is always gonna fall for the other. (Me: Tru Dat) Idk. I have no friends. (Me: It's okay. I used to be like that. But this person followed me around until I agreed to be their friend) Idc. I hate everyone. (Me: If you tried you'd be able to find people like you.) 6/8 What do you like to do in your free time? Play sports and exercise. (Me: Me too bruh.) Shopping! Like duh! (Me: Shoot me!) Hanging out. Skating or going through my closet to find a cute outfit. (Me: Cool) Idc. Write poetry I guess. (Me: I write, but not poetry) Cut or take photos I guess. (Me: I cut too. you're not alone. Don't be ashamed) 7/8 Are you close to your family? Yes. Sometimes. When we play competitive games and watch sports. (Me: Ikr) No. Well mostly my daddy. Or mommy. Never both of them. (Me: Okay?) Yes. (Me: Nice!) No. (Me: Because they don't understand you?) No. They don't care about me. (Me: I'm sure they do!) 8/8 What music do you listen to? POP! (Me: Just leave please!) Hip Hop and Dubstep and Rap (Me: Sweet! These are my favorite kinds) Pop, rap, anything on the radio (Me: Yeah) Idk. Just bands in general. (Me: Nice. I like Green Day and Linkin Park) Idc. Just sad music. I guess. (Me: I understand that. I do too at times.)