Which Zelda Character would you like most if you were Link?(Boy)

Which Zelda Character would you like most if you were Link?(Boy)

This quiz is similar to the "Which character from Zelda that Link likes would you be?" quiz, but for boys. If you became part of the world of Hyrule as Link, who would you like the most? Find out now!

published on July 19, 2019

Who do you see as your father-in-law?

Who do you see as your father-in-law?
A Deku tree
A mayor
A king
A fish king

What is your favorite Zelda game?

What is your favorite Zelda game?
Ocarina of Time
Link's Awakening
Breath of the Wild
Twilight Princess

Freebie! Who do you want to get?

Freebie! Who do you want to get?

What is your greatest fear?

What is your greatest fear?
Being trapped somewhere forever
People forgetting you
Forgetting who you are
Being unable to protect your people
Never being able to see your friends again

Where do you feel most at home?

Where do you feel most at home?
In a castle
Near the ocean
In a lake
In a dense forest
On a farm

What is your favorite song from Zelda, out of what is given here?

What is your favorite song from Zelda, out of what is given here?
Ballad of the Wind Fish
Lon Lon Ranch
Zelda's Theme
Zora's Domain
Lost Woods