what kind of teacher would you be? do you want to know what kind of teacher would suits you best, than take this quiz to found out what teacher you will be. jasmine.gower published on August 03, 2016 Stacked 1/5 If you where a teacher where would you want to spend most of your time at work? out side in a office in a normal class room in the labs in the kitchen anywhere they need me 2/5 would you thing your work would be stressful? very no not really if the kids run a muck if things eat broken loving this job very stressful 3/5 what would be your favorite thing to do? numbers writing stories making things, experiment things cooking playing sports watching the students learn 4/5 what would you want to get out of the students? using this for the real work writing and reading skills knowledge more skills they can work with watching them get healthier and stronger getting better at learning 5/5 if you could chose any of these punishment for your students what one would it be? shout at them spent out, i will talk to you later spent to the office not allowed to do what we will be doing today no games sit them with me or away from the others