which minecraft diaries girl are you? find out who u really r (4 girls only who know a lot about MCD) on MCD lucinda4life published on May 17, 2016 Stacked 1/6 preferred job Lord Lord's Guard Witch Baker 2/6 BEST part of Laurence's face his eyes... im NOT interested its not his face that i like... _____your name_____ doesn't know yet 3/6 what is ur fav color? anything dark (black, grey,purple,indigo,+ more!!!) light colors ( pretty much anything u would find on a flower) PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!! PURPLE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!! 4/6 who do u like better Aaron Travis Laurance Jeffory im not looking right now... Dante-Kun!!!!!! 5/6 r u in a relation ship NO WAY!!!!!!!!! *blush* maybe... yes OF COARSE I AM!!!!!!!!! 6/6 who do you want as a brother Malachi i like being an only child... Anyone!!!!! ... have bad memories with people...