How pretty are you? (3) It tells you how pretty you are, and please don't take it too personally. If you don't like this quiz, tell me why in the comments. greenkitty7447 published on May 28, 2015 Stacked 1/7 What kind of hair do you have? WILD CRAZY! Frizzy Straight Wavy Spirals Curly 2/7 What is your eye color? WEIRD Blue Green Brown 3/7 What clothes do you wear? Dresses, high heels. You know, the fancy stuff. Jeans, t-shirt? Just normal i guess... I don't know. I have a weird sense of style... 4/7 Do you have any zits/pimples? YES, I have a lot I have some Not much Pimples? I never had those. What's it like? 5/7 How much makeup do you wear? A LOT!! You cannot even see my real face! I wear it daily, but not too much I wear some on special occasions I never wear any Makeup? What's makeup? 6/7 What color hair do you have? Blonde Brown Black Red CRAZY COLORS 7/7 What kind of jewelry do you wear? Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings, should I go on? I wear necklaces/bracelets? Jewelry? What jewelry? JEWELRY? Who would want to wear a bunch of beads on a string?