If you fell off a cliff would you live? Just a fun quiz. Don't take it seriously, it's probably wrong, completely. Sa55ygirl published on February 11, 2016 Stacked 1/5 How quickly can you think on your feet? I cannot. At ALL. I can... sort of... I can That's my main strength! 2/5 If you were shot how would you react? PANIC Uhm... UHM... Help pls!!! Try to get to a hospital or call 911 or a friend Please. I dodged the bullet, I'm fine. 3/5 How strong are you on a scale of 1-4 1, I can't lift a weight to save my life 2, I am not strong lol 3, I'm respectable 4, I am really strong 4/5 What is your worst fear? Heights Feeling trapped. I also do not like pointy things. Pain Uhhh... 5/5 How much do you fear death? Waaaaay too much I run from death like my life depends on it! Wait... I do. Barely enough to have a survival instinct