Are You Mature? (2)

Are You Mature? (2)

Do your friends, parents, teachers/professors, or coworkers tell you out of frustration that you are immature and you don't know why they would say that? Do people call you kid still even though you don't feel like one? Well, take this quiz to find out if your immature or mature.

published on March 09, 2018

When someone gives you constructive criticism, do you...?

When someone gives you constructive criticism, do you...?
Yell at them, and completely break down right in front of them
Thank them for telling you what you needed to work on, and then tell them you will work on what they advised you to work on

When going to an important event, whether it's a recital, a job interview, or your job that requires daily dress-up, do you...?

When going to an important event, whether it's a recital, a job interview, or your job that requires daily dress-up, do you...?
Dress up for whatever event you need to be dressed up for accordingly (wearing nothing that is provocative, going to the
Go in whatever you're comfortable in, whether it's jeans and a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, etc.

When you don't get what you want, do you...?

When you don't get what you want, do you...?
Just accept that you won't get what you want and move on
Get mad, scream and cry to persuade the person to give you what you want

When you're upset, do you...?

When you're upset, do you...?
Bottle up everything
After taking some time to cool down and think about things, you express your thoughts and feelings with the person of concern

When it comes to liking someone do you....?

When it comes to liking someone do you....?
Tell them you like them face to face, and ask them what they think, and talk about the status of your relationship
Never tell your crush that you like them, relying on them to figure out on their own that you like them, and wait for them to ask
you out

When confronted with a problem, no matter what it is, do you...?

When confronted with a problem, no matter what it is, do you...?
Do and say whatever you want to do that moment and not feel bad whatsoever
Assess the situation and then react accordingly, and own up to your actions if you caused the problem, and apologize

Someone just flirted with the person you're interested in, what do you do?

Someone just flirted with the person you're interested in, what do you do?
Say to yourself that you are only control of yourself, and deal with it
March right up to the person flirting with your person of interest and cuss them out